15 January 2007

Islamic marital advice

A Muslim preacher exhorts his flock to embrace the practice of wife-beating as a "wondrous" dispensation from God.

"We shouldn't be ashamed before the nations of the world, who are still in their days of ignorance [jâhiliyyah -- that is, non-Muslim], to admit that these beatings are part of our religious law." So there.



Blogger Wes Messamore said...

So are the lefties that insincere about empowering women or that ignorant about the real nature of Islam?

15 January, 2007 21:53  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Where in the world did that come from? There's nothing in the posting, or the linked video, that even mentions "lefties".

Since you bring it up, however, I'll repeat what I've found it necessary to say so many times before: most of the people I know are liberals, and they bear very little resemblance to the caricature that the hard-line righties like to paint of them. For example, I have yet to meet a liberal who was unaware of Islamic brutality towards women, or who failed to condemn it. (I know liberals who are that ignorant or ideologically blinded do exist, but there aren't many of them.)

More to the point, it is absurd to react to an example of the enemy's evil by condeming, not the enemy, but rather people on one's own side who are of a different ideological tendency and whose views you obviously haven't bothered to find out about.

16 January, 2007 03:49  

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